The election starts on 25 November 2023 at 7am MST and ends on 15 December 2023 at 11:45pm. If you would like a paper ballot please request it ASAP! All paper ballots need to be received by 15 December 2023 in the mail or brought to the meeting to be counted.
Earlier this year your Board of Directors agreed to investigate our use of
electronic voting. An election committee was formed consisting of board
members Holly Smith, Fran Defazio, and former board member Ted Stanley.
After considerable analysis a majority of the committee recommended the use
of “Election Buddy”, and the full board approved it by a vote of 4 to 1.
Set up of the system ensued with board president Jerry Hain adding
immeasurably valuable technical assistance to bring this process to fruition.
Limited test voting was used to evaluate the system, producing favorable
reviews. Going forward this method of voting will add value to our POA that
may not be immediately apparent.
Among the many features of Election Buddy are the delivery of “reminders”.
Members who have not voted (or abstained from voting) may expect to receive
reminders via email and text until their ballot has been cast. We’re all new to
this system, and therefore we expect some issues, but hopefully they will all be
All ballots are secret, however election administrators will have live access to
the status when ballots have been cast, and who voted but NOT who they voted for. This ensures that any
member can verify that their vote has been counted after the election and
ensures the integrity of the election.
Thank you for your participation in this important process. Please vote for
those individuals you feel will best serve OUR association. The board invites
members to provide feedback on this new voting process to